GDB Puppy Raising Youth Scholarship Recipient: Megan Iriving Essay

My experience raising guide dog puppies, especially my second puppy Harlow, has benefited others in my community. Harlow was a pretty easy puppy, other than her tendency to swallow socks whole. Harlow’s graduation was the first opportunity I had to meet a recipient of my hard work in raising guide dogs. Her new owner, Philip Doblado, shared with my family and I the difficult transition he had when deciding to get a guide dog. Philip lost his eyesight a few years before deciding to get a dog and was apprehensive about putting all of his trust into a dog, but his friend Linda Becker convinced him to give it a try. When Philip went to train at San Rafael, he passed up the first dog he was paired with because something didn’t feel right, so Harlow advanced in her training and was paired with Philip. The connection that Philip and Harlow had was instantaneous.

We were lucky enough to see Harlow a few times even after graduation. Once, while at the Braille Institute with our puppy club, we ran into Philip and Harlow taking some classes to help Philip adapt to everyday living with visual impairment. It was exciting to see how Harlow helped Philip to be more confident and enabled him to do things he never could without her by his side. We invited Philip and Harlow to our club’s annual holiday party and got to catch up with them, hearing about their travels and adventures they had faced during the year. Philip told us about the time that Harlow saved him from walking into an open manhole and once when he believes she protected him from potentially being robbed. He said it was the first and only time that he had heard Harlow bark. Sadly, Philip and Harlow moved to Texas, but they still keep in touch with us. Philip wrote to us to tell us of how Harlow once steered him around a rattlesnake. All of these stories really showed me how much my work can impact someone else positively.

Megan smiles proudly holding guide dog puppy Aiden (black and brindle Lab)

Another popular question I get is "How can you give them up?" and my answer is hard for people to understand. I always cry on the days leading up to and the nights after giving my dog back. It's not an easy thing to do, but having given eight dogs back to the Guide Dogs for the Blind organization, and having seen the extraordinary results of my hard work benefit someone else, I can definitely say that the benefits outweigh the heartache. The people who ask this question have never been to a guide dog graduation ceremony, and witnessed how these dogs completely change the life of the blind person. The relationships that guide dog users have with their dogs are bonds much stronger than any fully abled person could fathom. Getting a note in the mail from the owner of our second dog, Harlow, explaining how Harlow saved him from walking into an open manhole was one instance that helped me to truly understand the value of this program.

Through raising guide dogs I have learned things like confidence, patience, people skills, and communication, but most of all I have learned that I can’t control everything. Of the eight dogs I’ve given back to GDB, three have been career changed. I have learned that just because my dog “failed” doesn’t mean that I failed.

By participating in demos, working at club events, and leading 4-H meetings, I learned quite a bit about communication and people skills that I wouldn’t have learned without being involved in Guide Dogs.

Taking my dog out in public has helped me to develop a more outgoing and confident personality. I am used to people giving me funny looks or just staring at me because they've never seen someone with a dog in Target before. Each time I take a dog out with me, I have to answer questions. The typical ones have to do with the dog's age, name, and purpose. Those are easy questions. The questions that are a little more surprising are the ones along the lines of "So you're training a blind dog?" or "Are you totally blind or just partially blind?" Hearing these questions time after time has helped me to remember to be patient with people and that I really can teach someone something new every day.

Celebrating the Power of Partnerships: Sierra Hayes speech

GDB Grad Keith Gillard and Puppy Raiser Sierra Hayes sit side by side with Keith's guide Golden Retriever Newburg
Keith Gillard recently graduated from GDB. He was teamed with Golden Retriever, Newburg, who was raised by Sierra Hayes of College Station, Texas and the Harrison family of Tracy, California. Below is Sierra's touching and funny speech from the graduation ceremony.

Newburg is a firecracker of personality and there was never a dull moment. Seriously, he woofs in his sleep. 

From everything I have learned about Keith, I am so excited to see this new, quirky, dynamic team work together and see the emergent properties that come from their shenanigans as well as their hard work in raising awareness and making the world a more accessible place for everyone. 

I said goodbye to Newburg Oltrix Caspian  26 weeks ago and I've been dreaming about this day ever since. The only thing more unthinkable than him leaving me was him staying, and the only thing more impossible than him staying was him leaving. It has been a highlight of my life to be a part of something bigger than myself and know everyday I am somehow making a difference. While Newburg was with me, he made a difference in my community, and had a huge impact on my life. On a 40  acre campus with over 60,000 cute golden retriever puppy deprived college students, Newburg and I got a lot of attention. Sometimes we got to educate the public about service dogs, etiquette, or GDB and sometimes Newburg just lifted their broken spirits after a hard test. I could not be more honored to have raised and trained a silly, goofy, loving, hard working dog. 

Newburg: you have been by my side, inseparable. You were there next to me when the dawn broke, and you were right next to me at night in the library when I broke.  Since the day I met you, our souls have been woven together, time can change many things, but not that. I believe that you are who you surround yourself with, and I am beyond grateful your soul is the one that has colored outside the lines on the pages of my life. You are truly my best friend. You were there during so many of my college memories that wouldn't be the same without you. You made the good days better and the hard times easier-no matter when I am with you I'm never alone, and together we've taken on the world.
Before meeting you I was a very involved, high strung college student who saw my self worth only as what certifications and grades I had. You forced me to slow down. You taught me so much emotional intelligence, you read my every move. I had to practice being calm before tests so that you wouldn't thrive off my stress, little did you know I'd been struggling with panic attacks and severe test anxiety. You taught me that if you love someone you can't hold them back, even if that means getting left behind. I'm so happy you went searching for your own answers and found your destiny. 
Because of you I now value my worth by the amount of good I put into the world. 

You helped me discover so much about who I am, and who I want to be. Now it's finally time that you discover who you are. I hope you go into the world with Keith and do well, but more importantly go into the world and do good. 

William Shakespeare once said: "The meaning of life is to find your gift, and the purpose of life to is to give it away." How lucky am I that you were mine to receive and give.  

I love you.
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GDB Grad Keith Gillard and Puppy Raiser Sierra Hayes sit side by side with Keith's guide Golden Retriever Newburg.

New Disney-Pixar App: changing the way low vision and blind audiences enjoy movies

GDB Outreach Manager Jane Flower and Pixar Producer Paul Cichocki
Help us celebrate audio description, technology, and access for all. Guide Dogs for the Blind is thrilled to help Disney-Pixar celebrate its latest innovation in motion pictures. Today, with the in-home release of The Good Dinosaur, Disney-Pixar has fundamentally changed the movie-viewing experience for people who are blind. The Disney Movies Anywhere (DMA) app will include a free audio descriptive narration feature for low-vision and blind audiences for the Good Dinosaur as well as sixteen other Disney-Pixar titles.
Representatives from Guide Dogs for the Blind along with members from other leading blindness organizations, SF’s Lighthouse for the Blind and Blind Babies, have played a critical role in helping shape Disney-Pixar’s audio descriptive narration app. This ground-breaking app provides visually impaired audiences with the unique experience of being able to enjoy watching/listening to a film alongside their family and friends. Key visual elements of the film are inserted as an audio guide to help low-vision viewers get a more comprehensive understanding of the film.  Several hundred members of the Bay Area’s blindness community got a preview of the new technology in December at Pixar’s studios in Emeryville and it was a memorable and profound experience with tears and laughter present in equal measure.
Jane Flower, Outreach Manager for Guide Dogs for the Blind was one of those in tears as shared her thoughts with the audience at the White Canes, Red Carpet event. As she reflects back on that evening now, she says “I have always loved the "movie" experience, but that love has faded over the past few years as my vision has deteriorated.  I have watched movies at home with audio description, when available, but it isn't the same as sitting in the theatre with your family and friends, enjoying the movie in real time, or being able to talk about the movie in depth after viewing it.  The new Disney-Pixar audio description app. finally makes this dream a reality.  The app puts accessibility directly into my hands rather than hoping the theatre I am going to offers this accommodation.  When I watched the Good Dinosaur using this app, I cried for the first time in a very long time during a movie because I was no longer missing the emotions expressed on the characters faces, or the amazing cinematography.  It was all described in such beautiful detail.
With the soft launch of this app via the Good Dinosaur, Disney-Pixar hopes to gain valuable input from the blindness community that will further enhance the movie-going experience for people of all abilities. Disney-Pixar plans to make this a standard offering for all future titles. Please share any feedback you may have by reaching out to . We will aggregate any feedback we receive and share it with Disney-Pixar in the coming weeks.
Disney-Pixar has provided these tips on how to best enjoy their new app:
Consumers will need to have a Disney Movies Anywhere App downloaded onto an iPhone® or iPad® running iOS 7 or above in order to use this technology. Consumers can activate “Audio Description” on their iPhone® and iPad® by going to the “Access” section under “Settings” in the Disney Movies Anywhere App. Once activated, they can find supported titles through the Audio Descriptive (AD) button on the featured tab.
Once a film is chosen and playing on any separate platform the user can push the “Sync & Play Audio” button within the Disney Movies Anywhere App to initiate syncing and playback of the accompanying narration, creating an audio guide of the film. Now all families can enjoy Disney-Pixar movies together.
There are 16 Disney-Pixar feature films that are available via the DMA app: Toy Story (1995), A Bug’s Life (1998), Toy Story 2 (1999), Monsters, Inc. (2001), Finding Nemo (2003), The Incredibles (2004), Cars (2006), Ratatouille (2007), WALL•E(2008), Up (2009), Toy Story 3 (2010), Cars 2 (2011), Brave (2012), Monsters University (2013), Inside Out (2015), and The Good Dinosaur (2015).
For more information, please visit
 Photo Description top: GDB Outreach Manager Jane Flower and Pixar Producer Paul Cichocki along with Jane's yellow Lab/Golden cross Anja stand in front of the Good Dinosaur promotional signage at the White Canes, Red Carpet event at Pixar.


GDB Puppy Raising Youth Scholarship Recipient: Sam R. Nelson Essay

I was 15 years old when my grandfather moved in with my family. He was 93, blind, deaf and didn’t have use of his hand because of his neuropathy. Although we had been raising guide dog puppies since I was 11, I never fully appreciated what a service dog could do for people with disabilities until I lived with my grandfather on a full time basis.

My sister started raising a guide dog puppy as a senior in high school. While watching her raise Dominic, then I as helped with Melissa, Huey, Joseph, and Dean, I made the decision to try to raise a puppy on my own. I co-raised Waylon with my parents, and this year, finally, am raising Burke, on my own.

Sam sits on a wooden deck smiling with his arms around a yellow Lab guide dog puppy

Our guide dog puppies would go over to my grandfather, and he would reach out to stroke them, and that action seemed to make him very happy and content. Although he didn’t want a guide dog, because of his age and inability to walk, he was happily entertained by our raising of them and I could see how great it would have been for him to have had a guide dog of his own when he was younger. I take raising more seriously now, because I can see the incredible help a service dog would be for people with loss of sight, limbs, wheelchair bound individuals and even those with PTSD.

I have been accepted to Georgia Institute of Technology, and will be studying Materials Science Engineering with a Biomaterials emphasis. I want to create materials that will help individuals like my grandfather by replacing failing organs and other body parts with man-made synthetic materials that will help them live more easily with their disabilities.  

Raising guide dog puppies has influenced me in many ways. I have learned a tremendous amount of patience, and how to put another creature’s needs before my own.  I have learned leadership and how to create boundaries when taking Burke to school and work, and learned teaching by explaining to other students how to act and react to people and their service dogs. I have had to be strong, and although sometimes feel uncomfortable with enforcing the rules, I’ve benefited by having to do so.

GDB Puppy Raising Youth Scholarship Recipient: Delphine Medeiros Essay

Many people my age leave the house in the early morning and head out for a full day of high school classes. For some students, traveling to school is a time to wake up fully; to reflect on tests to be taken, and assignments due. Bleary-eyed “commuter kids” traveling by themselves may have the luxury of balancing to-go mugs of hot coffee or cocoa in their laps – something to get them through the ferry to the bus, from the bus to our school. My school days have been a little bit different. My hands are too full for drinks and breakfast bars on the ferry boat, because accompanying me on my forty minute commute everyday is a guide dog puppy. These dogs are more than just puppies in training, they are also my friends. At my side all the time,these puppies get to help me educate the public about Guide Dogs for the Blind, and what it means to be a Puppy Raiser.

My Puppy Raising club, “Eyes of the Future”, is one of the few high school-based Guide Dogs for the Blind clubs in Washington State. I have had the honor to be president of this club for the past two years. The majority of our raisers and puppy sitters are fourteen to eighteen years old. On a normal day, we will have around seven puppies at school for students in the Guide Dog program to take to classes. The guide dog puppies bring fun and love to the students’ learning. They also provide a calming presence around the campus. The ability of our extraordinary dogs to calm and heal others became very apparent in my sophomore year.

Delphine smiles while posing with a yellow Lab guide dog puppy and a Golden Retriever guide dog puppy.

In October 2012, we were shocked and grief-stricken when a freshman boy from our school killed himself. It happened on a Thursday -- word spread very fast around my school during morning break. Our entire student body was devastated. Students were given the option to go and sit in the library; there were adults available to talk with. Several of the freshman left school early to go home and be with friends and family. The absence of some students and the shock and grief of others contributed to an unnatural silence in the halls. Then, more and more students began exiting their classrooms to go sit with their thoughts and feelings in the library. I left my English classroom to join other students there. At my side was my very first Guide Dog puppy, Corbett. Corbett entered the solemn, tear-filled library with his usual calm, sweet demeanor and happy face. We sat down with our friends, Corbett resting his head on another student’s leg. One by one, students gathered around Corbett. He gave everyone a sense of love, serenity, and life. This was, for me, an intense example of how sharing Guide Dog puppies with my school, and throughout our community, brings comfort, happiness and joy to so many people.

As I raise these special puppies, I am proud to be dedicating my time and my love to care for them, as they prepare to give freedom and independence to their forever-partners. I raise these puppies for the community, for the fulfillment they give to everyone, and for the forever companions these puppies will love and serve in whatever path of service is chosen for them. I continue to be a puppy raiser, so that I can give back to the community that has nurtured me and my vision, and to give someone the gift of sight. I am excited to continue my work with Guide Dogs as I attend Washington State University and join their puppy raising club, WSU Guiding Paws. Being an intern at GDB last summer helped me to realize that in the future I would love to work at Guide Dogs for the Blind and continue helping the organization that has been such an important part of my high school years.

GDB Puppy Raising Youth Scholarship Recipient: Mikaela Haglund Essay

I raised six puppies with my family over a period of eight years of volunteering for Guide Dogs for the Blind as a puppy raiser. Two were selected to become breeders and one recently became a working guide. Those that became breeders have in turn had puppies which have led to fourteen active working guides, with more puppies still in training. We also adopted a career change dog, Cider, who is an integral part of our family.

Aside from seeing other puppy raisers success at graduations, my family and I had not had the opportunity to experience presenting a fully trained guide dog to a blind person. That was until our sixth guide dog, Luau. She was a fun-loving, golden retriever cross with a warm personality. It was because of Luau that I was able to experience the impact I had on someone else in my community. That someone was Dawn, a kind woman who had the personality to mesh with Luau's. It was a truly remarkable experience to hear firsthand from Dawn the impact we, as puppy raisers, had on her and all of the others receiving working guides that day at graduation from all across the U.S. When speaking on stage, Dawn said that, "You allow us to spread our wings and the opportunity to have sight again." I gained the fulfillment that I contributed to a priceless gift - a special bond of trust, love and companionship - that granted Dawn a new independence. I also gained a new awareness of the influence I can have in my community - one that spans the continent!

The impact a guide dog can have on one's life is incredible, not only on the life of the blind person receiving the dog, but also on the life of the raiser. It's a labor of love, one that I began in the third grade not knowing where it would lead me today. As a puppy raiser I have had the opportunity to be a part of this journey. I ultimately got to witness a missing piece being restored to a blind person when they receive their guide dog. This furry assistant brings them a life of mobility and independence, allowing them to do basic tasks that many of us take for granted each day. Knowing the joy and freedom a guide dog brings to someone visually impaired makes the experience and dedication to the task all worth it. What these dogs truly do for blind people is beyond what words can explain.

Mikaela sits smiling on a rock path (surrounded by beautiful flowers) with her arm around a black Lab.

My experience in raising a guide dog puppy has greatly influenced the life of someone blind in my community. It has brought someone basic necessities that many of us take for granted everyday such as mobility and vision. It provides them with the opportunity to create a unique, lifelong partnership with a dog that they can trust and depend on to navigate them safely through this complex world. It enables them to travel more effectively and faster. Anyone who receives a guide dog forms such a strong relationship with their furry companion; it is as if the dog becomes a part of them.

Through the puppy raising experience, I have learned the importance of the larger vision of GDB, that not all the dogs have the passion or what it takes to be a guide. It is our task, however, as a group or team of raisers to help make those determinations and care for all the dogs for wherever their path may lead them. I learned by sticking to this concept for the long term and with multiple raisers that ultimately we help GDB meet their goals. I gained a new appreciation for commitments to goals and the importance of my role. I will apply this lesson to other aspects of my life.

This fall I will be heading to Pacific Lutheran University to major in biochemistry with a minor in Spanish. I hope to use my education to become a forensic scientist. Though I will not be directly involved with Guide Dogs while at college, I plan to continue to volunteer in my community. My experiences from Guide Dogs have encouraged me to continue living out my passion for volunteering, social action and impacting others in my community. I am committed to investing time in helping others and learning from those experiences. The unique experiences I have gained through my time with Guide Dogs have shaped my individuality. They have instilled in me generosity and a continual desire to help those around me in my community.

GDB Puppy Raising Youth Scholarship Recipient: Ian Miller Essay

On May 31st, 2015, I will have to walk Pasha, the female golden retriever I am currently raising, up on to the puppy truck, placing her in a crate and say my goodbyes. It will be an intensely emotional time, and I am certain that I will be deeply saddened. I’ll say goodbye to Pasha, however, knowing that she’ll make someone’s life so much better, not just as a guide but also as the friend I know her to be.

Fundamentally, Pasha will become an excellent service dog. She has the unique combination of two traits; her extreme desire to please people and her absolute love of food rewards. Beyond being a working dog, however, she’ll make a lifelong companion. Pasha is the happiest being I have ever encountered. I have raised before, and while she wasn’t the best behaved dog I ever had (at first), I had never seen any dog with the level of enthusiasm, joy and pure happiness that exists daily in Pasha. Every person she meets is instantly a friend; pet her and you’re automatically at the top of the list. Because of this, raising Pasha has allowed me the opportunity to greatly impact other people both in my personal life and the community as a whole.

I attend West High, an inner-city school with nearly 3,000 students. It was in class and in the halls that I first realized exactly how special Pasha is in her interactions with people. On a daily basis, while I am in class, people who have had a rough day, are stressed about a test or are just generally in a bad mood will sit down on the floor with Pasha, who instantly walks up to them and nuzzles her way onto their lap or by their side, where she rolls over and falls asleep. It is the universal and unspoken truth that very few things cannot be fixed by a few minutes rubbing the tummy of a dog, and Pasha provided that service willingly and unquestioningly to many fellow classmates. To be fair, the other puppy I raised, Muir, first demonstrated this concept to me. Every day on my way to class, I walked by the special ed classrooms, and one severely autistic student stopped to pet Muir every time he saw him. I never spoke to him, never learned his name and never knew anything about him other than the fact that his eyes lit up every time Muir came trotting down the hallway. This was my first experience in understanding the power that these dogs have, and the first time that I truly felt that I was having a positive impact with the people around me. Two years later, I learned that Pasha not only embraced this concept of companionship, she loved it.

Ian smiles posing with a Golden Retriever guide dog puppy with a green field and trees behind them.

My mother works with the school district, coordinating plans and accommodations for students who are disabled or require special attention in the classroom. She spends considerable time at a school called Parkview Elementary, where the district houses its extremely disabled program classrooms. Recently, I took Pasha to visit several classrooms at Parkview. The first classroom I visited had kids who were being monitored for potential learning disabilities, and were, on the surface, perfectly normal kids. They loved Pasha, and spent lots of time petting her, laughing and occasionally pulling on her tail. Despite all of the young and excited people surrounding her, Pasha remained calm and loved the attention. From there, Pasha and I stopped in two more classrooms, each time repeating the regiment of petting, laying down and demonstrating some of her obedience commands. Our final stop was is considered the highest tier of attention, where educators match students one to one. It was in the classroom that we met with students who were quadriplegic, had birth defects or had other highly special needs. I was somewhat nervous, as I was unsure of how Pasha would respond to the large, electric wheelchairs, necessary support equipment and the shaky and unpredictable actions of the students themselves. My fears, as it turned out, were completely unfounded, as Pasha stuck to her default of greeting everyone with an open heart and wagging tail. While I abandoned the short speech I had gave in the other classrooms on what Pasha was and the organization she was being raised for, the students nonetheless saw, or in the case of the blind girl there, felt, the effect of service animals and Guide Dogs for the Blind.

My time raising two puppies for GDB has influenced the lives of others not only through meeting the dogs themselves. Working with GDB has been a core part of determining who I am and who I want to be. Committing to such a large service project has inspired me to do work with other organizations in my community. Last summer, after completing 80 hours of local community service, I traveled to Cambodia, where I spent several weeks building a preschool and giving free English lessons and seminars to the public. I have also continued my work with the Utah Refugee Committee, a nonprofit aimed at acclimating refugees to their new lives in Utah, and with the Humane Society of Utah, fostering cats and kittens in my home while also working at the shelter walking dogs and working community outreach events. I know that my experiences with GDB over the past three years have had a permanent effect on my attitude towards volunteerism.

I will be attending Northeastern University this fall, a private college in Boston. There, I will study Honors Mechanical Engineering, hopefully working with a partner of Northeastern, Tesla Motors. While my career path is far from set, I hope to pursue automotive engineering, designing and testing cars. More specifically, I am interested in the electric racing field of automotive engineering, and aim to build electric powered sports cars for either mass production or racing events. While these objectives may seem dichotomous from my work with Guide Dogs for the Blind, in actuality it is the patience and dedication I have learned from raising two puppies that I believe will be crucial to helping me achieve my goals. I know that wherever I go, no matter what I do, service to others and being an active member of my community will be crucial.

Simply put, there is no way that I could quantify the number of people the guide dogs that I have raised have effected, nor the degree to which they have affected them. Dogs have the enormous capacity to change someone’s attitude in a matter of seconds. While I have highlighted a few examples of what Pasha and Muir have been able to do, these are only the interactions I have remembered. There must be countless of interactions, be it a friendly wag or loving kiss, in which Pasha made someone’s day better. Muir’s quiet stoicism served as an emotional rock for those that knew him well, and he emanated his stability to strangers constantly. I wish that I could number the people they have touched, or attempt to convert their effect into something tangible. For now, however, I must rest with the notion that for all of the good that they did to those around me in the year that I had them, they will be doing years and years of good in the future.