It's Peanut Butter Belly Time!

Miss Kate is a little gimpy for some unknown reason, so no ball this morning. Didn't want to risk a hike, either. She seems better today, but still a bit...tweaky...when she turns tight. I love her, but I am not carrying her ass back to the car from who knows where.

So as a little entertainment, admittedly mostly for me, we had a little peanut butter this afternoon.

Such a conflict for them. So excited to be getting something. Who doesn't love some peanut butter? But, then, just so annoyed for getting them into this mess.


They do love it. Keep coming back for more. Look so pissed while eating it!


Why do I let you do this to me?



It also creates the world's worst family photos


Or, the best, I suppose, depending on your point of view. :)

In non-dog news, we did not feel the earthquake at all. It was at 330 this morning. I am doing nothing but sleeping at that hour, so even if it was felt as far south as San Jose, it certainly wasn't by me! Or the dogs.

It has been all that has been on the TV and the radio today. Things like this perfectly showcase why I hate the news. I can't believe these people get paid for this crap. They were showing a bird bath tipped over. Yup. Bird bath. Not even the whole thing, just the unstable top part that you can knock over yourself by just tapping it with the lawn mower.

"Oh. my. word. Look at this damage, Steve."

Are you jackasses serious? Gas leaks, fire, people injured, I think even fire-related deaths, water mains broken and these tools are talking about a bird bath? Wow. Very hard-hitting, guys.

They were also very "concerned" about the status of the various rail systems in the Bay Area. Because people need to go to work? No. The effects on commerce? No. Productivity? No. People who use them as a primary mode of transportation? Nope.


I hate you, news.

And in funnier Crappy Media News. There was an article on Yahoo this morning about the Suge Knight shooting. I don't know if Yahoo just doesn't use editors or they have the worlds worst, but one sentence in the article was:

"The pre-VMAs party, which was hosted by R&B singer Chris Brown, was filled with celebrities, including Young Jeezy, Lil' Twist, The Game, E.J. Johnson, Derek Hough, Mark Ballas, Richard Simmons, and Tyson Beckford."

It has since been corrected to read "Russell Simmons." However, how entertaining would it be to have Suge Knight and Richard Simmons at the same party?!