GDB Puppy Raisers Team Up with Alaska Airlines at Oakland International Airport

By: GDB Puppy Raiser Cynthia Money

We want to thank Alaska Airlines for our recent Oakland International Airport puppy raising outing; it was a huge success! We had 15 puppies from four local GDB puppy raising clubs attend. The team at Alaska Airlines is beyond amazing!

“We are so grateful to Alaska Airlines personnel in Oakland for taking the time to expose our guide dog puppies to various elements of the air travel experience. Their generosity of time and spirit made a tremendous difference in the puppies’ journey to becoming working guides, as well as benefit numerous handlers’ travel experiences in the future." – GDB President and CEO Christine Benninger

Here are some images and quotes from puppy raisers about the outing:

Blue digital sign that reads "Alaska Airlines Welcomes Guide Dogs for the Blind!"

An Alaska Airlines female employee with her badge walks alongside a GDB male puppy raiser with a yellow Lab (wearing the green puppy coat) outside of the airport along the walkway.

"This is the best outing I have ever been on as a puppy raiser. I've been a puppy raiser for over 10 years and I've never seen a company so excited to work with me and my guide dog puppy. I would never entertain the thought of traveling with my guide dog puppy in training, but after today I will not only consider it, but look at Alaska Airlines first for all my travel needs." – Karen with guide dog puppy Daisuke 

Three female GDB puppy raisers pose with their guide dog puppies: black Lab, Golden Retriever, and yellow Lab (all wearing their green puppy coats) outside at the airport.

An Alaska Airlines female employee poses with a female puppy raiser with her guide dog puppy in training sitting calmly next to her.

"Thank You, Alaska Airlines, for giving my guide dog puppy the opportunity to experience everything in an airport that she would encounter in a real life situation with a blind handler. The hospitality and kindness that your employees showed us puppy raisers is unlike anything I have ever experienced on a socialization outing with my puppy. I feel very strongly that my puppy, Jolene, will be able to handle any airport setting and actual flight thanks to you guys. Thank you for giving us the best socialization opportunity I have seen in my five years of training guide dog puppies!" – Emily with guide dog puppy Jolene 

Several GDB puppy raisers ride the tram with their puppies in training to head to a different part of the terminal.

A female GDB puppy raiser walks with her guide dog puppy through the tunnel to board the plane.

"It was an amazing experience for us! Shania did a fantastic job during all facets of the tour. I appreciate Alaska Airlines and all that they did to make this possible...they rolled out the red carpet and exposed our guide dog puppies in training to a wonderful outing. The Alaskan Airlines staff was so gracious, professional, and kind. The learning experience went beyond the puppies, raisers, and staff, but to everyone in the airport as well. An incredible day and very successful for our guide puppy in training, Shania. THANK YOU." – David and Hope with guide dog puppy Shania 

Guide dog puppy Jolene (Golden Retriever wearing her green puppy boat) sits smiling in the middle of the aisle on the plane.

Five Alaska Airlines flight attendants smile for a group photo on the plane.

"I want to pass along my THANKS to Alaska Airlines and all the incredible employees who helped with our visit to the Oakland Airport last week. This was one of the best run and well executed events ever as a Guide Dogs for Blind puppy raiser. All of your employees were professional and a great group to work with. The ability to socialize our pups on a real aircraft goes a long way in preparing them for their future as a working guide dog. Thank you again for your support of GDB and its puppy raising community." – Mark and Leslie with guide dog puppy Vidal 

Guide dog puppy Jolene (Golden Retriever) smiles while her raiser holds up her Alaska Airlines Guide Dogs for the Blind VIP Boarding Pass

GDB Puppy Raisers stand in front of the luggage carousel teaching their guide dog puppies to be patient and get used to the motion and sound.

"I so appreciated the opportunity Alaska Airlines provided our Elroy, to train him for what will come very soon in his flight to his new home; it is invaluable training. We so appreciated the welcoming attitude and the professionalism and care that Alaska Airlines employees displayed. Starting with helping us through the TSA and check-in process, to showing us the plane and allowing our dogs to get comfortable in their positions in their seats, to delivering our wonderful goody bags. It was a great experience from beginning to end. We really appreciate Alaska Airlines and what they did for us!" – Nancy with guide dog puppy Elroy 

GDB Puppy Raisers stand in front of the luggage carousel teaching their guide dog puppies to be patient and get used to the motion and sound.

We can't thank Alaska Airlines enough for such a special outing!